How to Apply
Please submit your application to the Global EbA Fund on the online platform
Register and explore the online platform here.
Please visit fund updates for information on open calls for proposals and application deadlines.
We strongly advise you to prepare your application offline ahead of time and transfer your information onto the portal when your application is ready.
Application Sections
Section I: Eligibility Screening
Download the template for the Eligibility screening questionnaire
Consult the Eligibility checklist and evaluation criteria
Section II: Due Diligence and Financial Capacity Questionnaire
Download the template for the Due Diligence and Financial Capacity Questionnaire.
Please pay specific attention to the supporting documents requested. You will need to upload them when completing the form online.
Section III: Application Form
Download the template for the Application form
The application form is the main body of your proposal. Please pay specific attention to the updated guidance on how to develop a logical framework and detailed activity table. Both the application and supporting documents must be in English. Documents not in English must be translated. An official translation is not required.
The Detailed Budget is a component of the application form and needs to be developed offline and included as an attachment in the application form. Download the template for the detailed budget.
Please refer to the Grants Procedures Manual for further information.
Still have questions on how to navigate the platform? Check out our FAQ here.
Funding Tracks
The Global EbA Fund has two funding tracks: a general track for EbA project proposals and a thematic track. The application process and cut-off date are the same for both tracks.
Past thematic tracks have included a track on :
- Greening Infrastructure through EbA
- Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge in EbA
- EbA Approaches in the Urban Environment.
New calls for proposals and thematic tracks are announced in the Fund updates section.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to undertake the EbA E-Learning Course prior to developing a project proposal. It is a self-paced online course that equips learners with transferable and replicable skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives by offering targeted training on key principles, risk assessments, monitoring, and governance.

Core Indicator Framework
The Core Indicator Framework was developed with the goal of supporting the monitoring and communication of the grantees’ project outcomes. This reporting mechanism enables the Fund to show accountability to stakeholders, share joint achievements with the public, and assess and improve future allocation strategies.
Applicants must identify at least three relevant indicators from the Core Indicator Framework and incorporate them into the individual project’s logical framework.
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), acting as the secretariat for the Global EbA Fund, are committed to respecting your privacy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Please note that the following applies for all applicants and grantees.
I declare:
- I hereby authorise the treatment of my personal data (country and type of institution) under the “Support for the Implementation and Upscaling of Ecosystem-based Adaptation” Project, for reporting purposes;
- The data collected will be used for reporting purposes under the “Support for the Implementation and Upscaling of Ecosystem-based Adaptation” Project and access will be granted to the project coordination team;
- The data collected will be stored for up to 10 years.
The Global EbA Fund follows the IUCN Privacy Policy.