Our Projects
The Global EbA Fund project portfolio is expected to grow up to a 100 grantees by the end of 2027. The portolio will include 90 small-sized grants with a funding envelop up to USD 250,000 per project and 10 medium-sized grants with a funding envelope up to USD 500,000 per project. All new calls for proposals are announced in the Fund Updates.
Collectively, the projects funded by the Global EbA Fund work to increase the uptake, scalability, and replicability of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change interventions across diverse ecosystems spanning five continents.
The projects will demonstrate the economic co-benefits of ecosystem-based adaptation implementation with an emphasis on local needs, synergistic effects between EbA and other approaches, and much more.
Global EbA Fund Project Portfolio in Numbers:
Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation into Public Policy and the territorial plans of Andean communities in Cusco, Peru
The project seeks to improve the effectiveness of climate change management in Cusco, Perú highlighting the importance and necessity of undertaking territorial management based on conserving biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, recognizing and validating traditional knowledge, which has been practiced for millennia. It will offer the ecosystem-based adaptation approach as a...
From Sierra to Sea: Participatory scenario planning to promote integrated watershed management for people and nature along the Cañete River Watershed
The “De la Sierra al Mar” (Sierra to Sea) project is an initiative in Peru’s Cañete River Watershed (CRW) to foster water security and biodiversity conservation. Along the CRW, over 340,000 people are relying on the services the diverse ecosystems provide, but the basin faces mounting threats from climate change...
Mobilizing Finance for Ecosystem-Based Adaptation through Integrated Landscape Investment: Testing scalable tools and strategy in the San Martin Region of Peru
By collaboratively developing financing strategies for coordinated landscape-scale investment for Ecosystem-Based-Adaptation (EbA) in San Martin, Peru, the project seeks to facilitate funding for key priority activities defined by local stakeholders. This project is being developed in close coordination with Conservation International, Peru. To develop these strategies, the project will identify...
Enabling a paradigm shift towards Ecosystem-based Adaptation to build Siphandone Wetland community resilience to climate change impacts, Lao PDR
With co-funding support from the Australian-funded ‘Climate Resilience by Nature Mekong’ programme, this project aims at supporting Laos’ paradigm shift to ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) at sub-national level, focusing particularly on the Siphandone Wetland in the southern province of Champasak, Lao PDR. This flood and drought-prone site encompasses a variety of...
Emphasising Ecosystems, Elevating People (3EP): Planning for “Rivers and People” in the Nairobi River Regeneration Initiative (NRRI)
In partnership with UN-Habitat, Nairobi City County, and ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Centre, this project aims at rediscovering and regenerating Nairobi’s natural assets throughout Nairobi’s river system with a focus on the Ngong River Basin to reduce climate risks, increase biodiversity, and enhance resident’s climate change and socio-economic resilience. The project...
Restoring nature and peace threatened by climate change: monitoring human security benefits of EbA in Kenya
Grasslands provide several biodiversity, climate mitigation and socio-economic benefits, including the retention of soil carbon, habitat for a large diversity of animals and plant species, forage for livestock, and tourism. However, the benefits that grasslands provide are being jeopardized by climate change as more intense and frequent droughts negatively affect...
Proliferating EbA Practices in Indian Cities (EPIC)
The project will create an enabling environment for mainstreaming EbA solutions in the water management strategy of Bhubaneshwar city in India. The specific focus of the project is on flood mitigation and reducing instances of water scarcity. The activities that will be conducted to achieve the overall objective of the...
Developing an EbA Feasibility Tool (DEFT) for Climate Adaptation in Indian Cities: A study of Bengaluru, Karnataka
The project aims to develop a comprehensive tool to guide climate adaptation efforts in urban India, with a focus on Bengaluru, Karnataka. Led by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), the project seeks to assist urban stakeholders, including city planners, policymakers, and grassroot organisations, in implementing...
Burkina Faso
Evidence-based policymaking for the promotion of an EbA approach in the development of the green belt in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
The project aims at restoring and rehabilitating three sites located in the Green Belt, which has been severely impacted by Climate Change and a fast urbanisation leading to the degradation of its ecosystem. The adoption of sustainable resource management is necessary to protect farming activities and to preserve the biodiversity...
Nature-Based City: Biodiversity and Climate Resilience on Urban Development
The project Nature-Based City: Biodiversity and Climate Resilience on Urban Development seeks to promote biodiversity conservation and climate action agendas in local policies in the city of Belém, located in the Amazon Rainforest and one of the most important capital cities of Brazil, nominated to host the world’s Climate Conference, COP30 in...
EbA Solutions for Urban Resilience: Scaling Up the Metropolitan GreenBelt Initiative in Guatemala City
Guatemala city is the main capital of Central America, but also one of the 11 most vulnerable cities to climate change in the world, confronting risks such as dwindling groundwater, landslides, and heat islands. Yet, the city holds a unique advantage – the forest remnants in the ravines that weave...
Supporting Adaptation through Productive Landscape Restoration: From Farmers to Policies Implemented by Rainforest Alliance
The Productive Landscape Restoration (PLR) approach, which involves multiple ecosystem-based adaptation principles, presents an opportunity to reduce climate vulnerability and has been identified as such in existing national and departmental strategies. In the context of a rapidly changing climate, with increased aridity and drought threats, there is an already intensified pressure on...
Putting ecosystems at the center of adaptation through climate smart village approach
Implemented in the Santa Rita and Olopa communities of Honduras and Guatemala, respectively, within the Central American Dry Corridor region, this project builds on the current evidence gleaned from Climate Smart Villages (CSV) on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), thus generating robust scientific evidence on EbA effectiveness. The project implements agricultural practices...
GLOBAL CITY FOREST Digital Planning Tool – Needs and Gaps Assessment
Imagine a world with thriving and biodiverse city forests! This is the aim of the Global City Forest project. The Global City Forest is a long-term project aiming to increase current and future urban forests in cities to contribute to global temperature reduction and address anthropogenic environmental pressures. The first...
Ecosystem-Based Agriculture Resilience in the Levant through Agroforestry – Implemented by Friends of Nature
Climate change has modified the typical Mediterranean climate of Levantine countries to dominant cycles of increased drought and seasonal inconsistency. Agriculture is suffering heavily, with decreased productivity, inconsistency of productions, and increased vulnerability to diseases and loss; this obliges increased use of agro-chemicals thus augmenting expenditure and ecological footprint. Agroecology...
Latin America
Catalysing Unconventional Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean for Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation
This project uses a transdisciplinary (TD) approach and the EPIC Model (university/community partnerships) to mitigate the three main barriers (finance, governance, and knowledge gaps) to EbA adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean. The project aims to demonstrate how (1) communities can generate innovative solutions via their collaboration with universities...
Tides are Changing: a People’s Plan for Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Tidal Rivers of Southwest Bangladesh
Being among the world’s most vulnerable to climate change and sea level rise, people in southwest coastal Bangladesh are advocating for a safe and healthy living environment. “Tidal River Management” offers a promising strategy to that end by restoring the river ecosystem. Yet, its sustainable and widespread implementation is hampered by...
Costa Rica
Financing and Enabling Community Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Water and Energy Security
This project and the governments of Colombia and Costa Rica introduce a new financing approach for EbA that capitalises on how hydropower companies rely on healthy ecosystems for clean and ample water supply. Articulating the benefits of EbA for hydropower justifies payments to upstream communities, compels investors to cover the...
Removing barriers to access finance from the National Cacao Plan in Costa Rica: cacao agroforestry for rural development and landscape restoration and adaptation
Our project aims to remove technical, value chain and financial barriers for farmers to participate in the Costa Rican Plan Nacional de Cacao while ensuring a reduced vulnerability of farmers and biodiversity to climate change (CC). We will help smallholder farmers and communities adapt to CC through agroforestry practices for...
Costa Rica
Financing and Enabling Community Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Water and Energy Security
This project and the governments of Colombia and Costa Rica introduce a new financing approach for EbA that capitalises on how hydropower companies rely on healthy ecosystems for clean and ample water supply. Articulating the benefits of EbA for hydropower justifies payments to upstream communities, compels investors to cover the...
Scaling up the adoption of EbA solutions using behaviour-centred design: The case of Vetiver grass for riverbank erosion control in Fiji
EbA, like other climate solutions, requires substantial human behavioural changes. But so far, the role and implications of behaviour change have largely been overlooked, oversimplified, or incomplete. A more nuanced understanding of the determinants of human behaviour – and the role of behavioural change – in supporting the scaling up...
Building Climate Resilient Communities in Stung Prey Pros Watershed
The Stung Prey Pros watershed is one of the most vulnerable to climate change in Cambodia. In recent years, the hydrology has been negatively impacted due to land conversion and sand mining, reversing gains made to the local economy and food security. Projected climate risks, including decreased rainfall and increased...
Mitigating Flood Risks Through Women’s Leadership in EbA Interventions
Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change threats and natural hazards such floods and hazards. It has been actively striving to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change. Recognizing the importance of adaptation measures, Nepal has developed a National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), and...
Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflicts through EbA in Nepal
The Brahmadev-Laljhadi complex located in the Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal is a mosaic of national park and biological corridors covering a total area of 82,032 ha of land from terai to mid-hill regions. The Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) suggests that Sudurpaschim Province is extremely vulnerable to climate change and...
Mainstreaming Proven EbA Solutions with Small-Scale Cattle Ranches to Increase the Resilience of Livestock Supply Chain in Northeast Mexico
Northeast Mexico plays an important role in cattle production, in terms of both food security and in providing livelihood benefits for more than 230,000 people. The grasslands and scrublands that dominate the landscape underpin livestock production and are vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The region has seen increased...
Promoting and scaling diversification within the management of Amazon forest resources as an Ecosystem-based Adaptation measure in Bolivia
This project is focused on supporting the implementation of comprehensive forest management of the Bolivian Amazon by updating a comprehensive forest management of the Bolivian Amazon by updating and disseminating the scientific and research data published on the Amazonian Fruits and Climate Change Observatory1 (AFCCO) and empowering local communities under an...
Enhancing adaptive capacity of smallholders in Thailand through the Trees4All initiative
By planting native and commercial tree species in degraded forests and agricultural areas, the project will build ecosystem-based climate resilience of smallholders in northern Thailand. Trees4All is a tree-planting initiative that engages the private sector and the public in sponsoring tree planting. The funds finance smallholders to replace their monoculture...
New Approaches to Upscale Resilience and Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Tanzania
The project is aiming at increased resilience of communities especially most-marginalized people through improving ecosystem services in drought prone areas of Tanzania in five Districts including Simanjiro, Kiteto, Chemba, Same and Mufindi. The project will address social vulnerabilities such as food insecurity, access to resources, water use conflict, human-wildlife conflict,...
Effective Management and Sustainable Financing of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines
As part of the upscaling of a ten-year EbA initiative, the achievements have been made possible with the generous support of the Global EbA Fund, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), UBS Optimus Foundation, ORRAA, and other valued partners. The Verde Island Passage and Calamian Islands in the Philippines are home...
Advancing ecosystem-based approaches for building climate resilience, livelihoods, and food security in the Coral Triangle Philippines
In partnership with the Global EbA Fund, Environmental Defense Fund is undertaking a nearshore rehabilitation project in Cabalian Bay, an extremely climate vulnerable fishing region in the Philippines. Here, climate change, unsustainable coastal development, and overfishing have damaged nearshore and offshore ecosystems, limiting the benefits these ecosystems can provide for...
Beyond Bang for the Buck: the Business Case for Financial Inclusion to Scale EbA Solutions in Philippine Coastal Communities
Coastal communities and Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) are exceptionally vulnerable to climate change. Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into SSF can significantly enhance communities’ resilience and improve coastal ecosystem health. Yet, for EbA approaches to be effective, a supportive socio-economic environment and sustainable financing are vital. Through the lens of Rare’s Managed...
Kalimantan Mangrove Shrimp Project
Shrimp farming forms the backbone of many of the world’s rural coastal economies. Unsustainable farming practices, however, have devastated mangrove forests in many of these areas of Indonesia, leading to large-scale ecosystem degradation, increasing the risk of adverse effects of climate change. The loss has resulted in more drastic impacts...
Empowering Youth-led EbA Practices for Coastal Resilience: Building on Muro Conservation Traditions in Climate-prone Lembata Island in Indonesia
Plan Indonesia conducted a Climate Risk Assessment on Lembata Island to evaluate climate impacts on ecosystems across urban, upland, and coastal areas. Lembata, the largest island in the Solor Archipelago, spans 1,266.39 square kilometers and is home to 135,930 people. Renowned for its cultural heritage, including handwoven textiles and whale...
EbA-enhanced Climate Field Schools for Climate Resilience (EECCLiRe) Implemented by The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) & SU-RE.CO
About EECCLiRe responds to the need for sustainable intensification and climate-smart coffee production in the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) and Bali in Indonesia. Both areas are climate risk hotspots and critical coffee production areas in the country. The project integrates ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) principles in conducting climate field schools among farmers...
ClimateWatch Vanuatu: Building community climate resilience
In rural areas of Vanuatu, trusted and meaningful weather forecasts are critical for communities to respond to the increasing threat of natural disasters and extreme weather. The ni-Vanuatu have long used traditional knowledge for climate forecasting, but circulation and inter-generational transfer of knowledge is decreasing. Meanwhile, there is a reluctance...
Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment: Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta
This project is a collaboration between universities in the US and UK with NGO, University and community partners in Ghana to better understand how to up-scale locally appropriate mangrove Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) across the Volta Delta and beyond. Coastal communities in the Volta Delta rely on abundant mangrove forest ecosystems...
Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands
The Seabird Forest Toolkit: A Resource for Climate Adaptation Across Tropical Ocean Regions
Impacts of sea-level rise to atolls and low islands are expected to increase in severity with global warming; however, atolls and islands with indigenous vegetation supported by seabird colonies will fare better. The team has an opportunity to safeguard regionally important biodiversity and whole-system benefits from land-sea linkages associated with...
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience through promoting mangrove-friendly aquaculture in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady Delta
Project Objective: To enhance climate resilience and adaptive capacities of smallholder farmers of Pyapon township by creating an enabling environment for the promotion of community led mangrove-friendly aquaculture in the Ayeyarwady Delta. Myanmar is the second most vulnerable country to the impacts of climate change. Studies have indicated that at...
Enabling Smallholder Farmers to Better Manage Water-related Climate Risks in the Central Highlands of Vietnam with Novel Nature-based Solutions Implemented by IWMI
This project focuses on creating more climate-resilient food systems in the Central Highlands – one of Vietnam’s poorest, yet most agriculturally important regions. Across the region, intensive irrigation combined with climate change, threatens water security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers who largely produce coffee. Ethnic minority groups are most at...
Scaling-up community-led EbA in biodiverse forest landscapes in Vietnam
With this project IIED and partners aim to reduce climate risk and improve livelihoods for farmers through upscaled EbA approaches in biodiverse landscapes in 17 communes of five provinces of Northern Viet Nam. Achieving this will involve co-developing, documenting and spreading knowledge of EbA best practices cases with and among local communities – drawing...
Putting ecosystems at the center of adaptation through climate smart village approach
Implemented in the Santa Rita and Olopa communities of Honduras and Guatemala, respectively, within the Central American Dry Corridor region, this project builds on the current evidence gleaned from Climate Smart Villages (CSV) on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), thus generating robust scientific evidence on EbA effectiveness. The project implements agricultural practices...