The Global EbA Fund and its partners were at Latin America & the Caribbean Climate Week

Within the framework of Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week, the Global EbA Fund and its grantees and partners organised a series of events to underline critical topics for Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change.
The three events were held in person in Spanish and took place at the Marriot Panama Hotel, Panama City.
On 23 October 2023, “Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation in Urban Areas”, was jointly organised by ICLEI, IUCN, and UNEP. The event brought together projects and initiatives working on NbS for adaptation in the urban areas in the region, showcasing the experience of city-to-city cooperation through the CityAdapt initiative, the city of Belém, Brazil, the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, and the city of Guatemala.

Later that day, “Ensuring Climate-resilient Food Systems Through Ecosystem-based Adaptation” was held.The event explored the approaches to overcome the barriers to EbA based on the experiences of WWF Mexico, the Alliance of International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Biodiversity International in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala, and presented the perspective on resilient food systems from the Central American Agricultural Council.

It concluded on 25 October, with “Shifting the paradigm: Embracing Locally-led Adaptation (LLA) for Effective Climate Action” which explored the challenges and opportunities of LLA, showcasing examples and experiences of LLA implementation in the Latin America region from the Alliance of International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Biodiversity International as well as Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano and Latin American Water Funds. The event benefitted from a keynote delivered by the advocate and voice of local communities, Constantino Aucca.