New Approaches to Upscale Resilience and Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Tanzania
Project Information
The project is aiming at increased resilience of communities especially most-marginalized people through improving ecosystem services in drought prone areas of Tanzania in five Districts including Simanjiro, Kiteto, Chemba, Same and Mufindi.
The project will address social vulnerabilities such as food insecurity, access to resources, water use conflict, human-wildlife conflict, pastoralist migration and land-use conflicts to support restoration of ecosystem services and contribute to improvement of the legal and development policy framework in Tanzania as it addresses a core issue that affects restoration of ecosystem services. The project is designed to address the barriers of upscaling EbA solutions and will work to strengthen the policy component of these initiatives by removing the barriers for up-scaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation and restoration of ecosystem services.
Therefore, this project will support strengthening ecosystems that deliver critical services to communities to enhance community resilience. CARE Nederland through CARE Tanzania will involve a wide range of stakeholders in research, advocacy and policymaking processes around EbA-related fields such as agriculture, livestock, natural resources management and tourism and communities in targeted districts to achieve project results.
Project Status
The “New Approaches to Upscale Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation” Project was successfully introduced to the Same, Mufindi, Simanjiro, Kiteto, and Chemba Districts in Tanzania. These districts are highly prone to drought, and have high social vulnerabilities such as food insecurity, limited access to resources, water-use conflict, human-wildlife conflict, pastoralist migration, and land-use conflicts that alter the restoration of ecosystem services. The project created awareness about the importance of EbA interventions in building community resilience and restoration of the ecosystem and its services, to 29 (11F and 18M) district commissioners, district executive directors, and heads of departments from Same, Simanjiro, Kiteto, Mufindi, and Kiteto districts.
The project was officially inaugurated in Tanzania on September 26, 2023, by Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Honorable Rosemary Senyamule, who insisted on the importance of conserving the ecosystem, reflecting the reality of climate change so that the ecosystem can maintain and provide ecosystem services for lives today and in the future. The inauguration ceremony brought relevant policymakers, planners, and decision-makers from the project operation areas, sector ministries such as the Office of the Vice President’s Office responsible for Environment and the President’s Office Regional Administration, and local government and non-government organizations working in the project implementation districts, such as the CARE-WWF Alliance, the Tanzania Natural Resources Forum, the Climate Action Network, the Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization (PAICODEO), and the Lands Rights and Resources Institute (HakiArdhi).
53 (13F and 40M) policymakers, planners, and decision-makers were trained to become the EbA champions for Same, Mufindi, Simanjiro, Kiteto, and Chemba districts. The training covered the application of the basic steps in designing and implementing ecosystem-based adaptation solutions, and the training resulted in each project district coming up with a road map for integrating EbA solutions into the budgeting and planning process. The EbA intervention will be included in the respective district annual budgets beginning in 2024/2025.
In October 2023, the project initiated the process of integrating gender responsive ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) solutions into project districts’ short- and long-term development plans and budgets, as well as providing input into the integration of EbA into national policies and national development.