Restoring nature and peace threatened by climate change: monitoring human security benefits of EbA in Kenya, implemented by Conservation International (CI)

Scaling up the adoption of EbA solutions using behaviour-centred design: The case of Vetiver grass for riverbank erosion control in Fiji, implemented by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and Rare

Kalimantan Mangrove Shrimp Project, implemented in Indonesia by Blueyou

Mainstreaming Proven EbA Solutions with Small-Scale Cattle Ranches to Increase the Resilience of Livestock Supply Chain in Northeast Mexico, implemented by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Mexico

Effective Management and Sustainable Financing of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines, implemented by Blue Finance

Financing & Enabling Community Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Water & Energy Security, implemented in Colombia and Costa Rica by the World Resources Institute (WRI)

Putting ecosystems at the center of adaptation through climate smart village approach, implemented in Honduras and Guatemala by the Alliance of International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Bioversity International

Partnering with Asociación Regional Campesina Cho’rti’ (ASORECH) and Comisión de Acción Social Menonita (CASM)