Washington, 25 January 2023

The fifth cut-off date for the Global EbA Fund set for 28 April 2023 has officially launched. Following the experience of the Fund over the last two years and the first four cohorts, some important changes have been made to streamline the application process.
First, the Fund will be replacing its two-stage application process, in which successful concept stage applicants were invited to submit a full proposal, with one single-stage application.
Second, the Fund now includes three new Action Pillars. Previously, applicants would align their proposed interventions with one of three Strategic Objectives. In addition to this, projects must now clearly indicate their relevance to a maximum of two of three new Action Pillars (see Grants Procedure Manual).
Third and final, we are excited to announce that alongside the general EbA project proposals track, the Global EbA Fund is introducing a track for thematic project submissions beginning with “EbA in Urban Environments”. All other aspects of the application, as well as two cut-off dates a year, remain the same. More information is available on How to Apply.
What has changed in the application process?
To expedite the application process, the Global EbA Fund has revised its previous two-stage process, where applicants first submit a concept note, and prospective grantees are invited to submit a full proposal, into a one-stage process. Moving forward, the Fund will only accept project proposals in one stage. We encourage applicants to carefully read our updated Grants Procedure Manual for more information. The project proposal application packet as well as other useful information is available on How to Apply

What are the new Action Pillars?
The three new action pillars aim to focus the project proposals on strengthening an enabling environment for the implementation of EbA. While the Fund’s strategic objectives define the overarching aim and direction for the projects – the “What” of the Fund, the action pillars focus on “How” these can be reached within the scope of the Fund.
These action pillars are:
1) Levers for catalytic change (i.e. policy, education, financing);
2) Functional data & science;
3) Innovations for adaptation.
As further support, the Global EbA Fund has provided applicants with examples of projects that would fall under each pillar in the updated Grant Procedures Manual.
The next cut-off date for applications is 28 April 2023. Please consult our What We Fund page and the Grants Procedures Manual for more information on applicant eligibility. Additional questions can be directed to contact.ebafund@iucn.org.
What is the new thematic track?
The Global EbA Fund seeks to increase awareness of and investment in ecosystem-based adaptation. Beginning in 2023, the Global EbA Fund will have a general project proposal track and a thematic proposal track. As its first theme, the Fund will be calling for submissions of project proposals focused on Ecosystem-based Adaptation approaches in the urban environment.

Header: Luke McKeown; Image 2: Guille Pozzi; Image 3: Jeremy Bishop; Footer: Sean Kelley © Unsplash