Thematic Track for 6th Cohort
Following the introduction of general and thematic funding tracks in 2023, we are happy to announce the thematic track for the 6th cohort: Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge in Ecosystem-based Adaptation.
The Fund is accepting applications for its 6th cohort under general and thematic tracks by 15 September 2023. The application process is the same for both tracks. Applicants are invited to indicate the track relevant to their proposal in their application.
We strongly encourage all applicants to go through Grants Procedures Manual before applying and consult specific considerations for the thematic track here.
For more information on applying and the new theme, register for one of our upcoming Get to Know the Global EbA Fund webinars Wed. 12 July at 11am Paris / 4pm Bangkok and at 9am Bogota / 5pm Nairobi.